On 29 Jan, David B. Miles wrote:
> New Debian User!
> I have a Compaq Elite 4/75 CX laptop.
> I have an IC ethernet card (network card).
> I installed Debian on the laptop using disks.
> I would like to make a network connection through the network card and
> then install the rest of the debian files through the network.

Ok.  You also need to install (still using disks) the pcmcia packages. 
You will need pcmcia-cs and pcmcia-modules to match your installed
kernel version.  Once you have installed these, it should then
recognize your network card and let you connect to the network.  Since
we have dhcp service here, I also installed dhcpcd when I did this not
too long ago.  This should give you enough network service to be able
to use dselect's ftp method to install the rest (or the NFS method, but
I didn't have an NFS server with Debian available when I did it, so I
just used the ftp method.)

After you install everything, you should compile a custom kernel (as
usual); install the pcmcia-source package and compile a custom version
of the pcmcia modules to match your new kernel.

You should also check out the Linux laptop home page at
http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/ which has more
information about running Linux on a laptop than you wanted to know. 
It appears as though there is in fact a link to a page dedicated to the
Compaq Elite series there.   I found the Linux Laptop Home Page to be
invaluable in getting my laptop started and tuned under Linux.

Stephen Ryan                   Debian GNU/Linux
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

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