I know this is a bit of topic, but I'm a NRUF (Not-Real-Unix-Freak). I
have a small problem and need a little help.
I want to configure a small in-house eMail server for the company where I
work. This box should run Debian GNU/Linux. And I don't think, that this a
big problem. But I also want to have Internet-eMail access for every user
on our eMail server.

My idea is, that I could have a sub-level domain which is held by a ISP
and a big eMail account at this server. OK ... lets say our ISP is GMX (in
Munich, Germany) and their domain is gmx.de. Is it technically possible to
have a sub-level domain rudolph.gmx.de??? And is it possible (technically)
that anyone can send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and this email it
stored with all the other mails to anyone else at rudolph.gmx.de in one
BIG account??? How can I access this account??? Can I use smail and
fetchmail to do this???

If someone has an idea thanx in advance.


Daniel Gross

- Daniel Gross                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
- Ingolstadt, Germany                                  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
- "If Win95 is the answer, it must have been a real foolish question !" -

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