On 18-Jan-98 Timothy M. Hospedales wrote:
>    I have been following various messages about Netscape 4.04, and it
>seems to me that lots of people's NSN4 don't do Java properly, AND,
>(Please correct me if i'm wrong), I haven't seen any successfull
>reponses to mine or anyone else's messages about fixing this problem.
>    So! Will anyone who's NSN4 will do Java applets properly please
>respond to this, then maybe we can figure out what those of us whose
>Java does not work have missed.

I run Netscape Version 4.04[en]-97308 here and didn't have any problems with
Java after setting the MOZILLA_HOME environment variable to
I have only Navigator and not the Comunictor-Package, if that makes any
I used the install-script that came with the Package. The binary lies in 
/usr/local/netscape404/ and is softlinked against /usr/local/bin/netscape.
java40.jar is in /usr/local/netscape404/java/classes/

Good luck, Ramin

E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 18-Jan-98 Time: 17:05:30

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