On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:

> That was annoying...so I removed that package.  I think that inetd should
> be reinstated at this point, but the package doesn't do that.  So now I'm
> without an inetd.  So I use dpkg -S one inetd and see its in the netbase
> package.  So I removed just that package and then reinstalled it.
> For some reason, inetd STILL is no longer being started.  Any ideas?

Check the following:

  * Does /usr/sbin/inetd exist?

  * Does /etc/init.d/netbase exist?

  * Do you have symbolic links in /etc/rc?/S??netbase to

If yes to all and still having problems, try starting the daemon by
hand and see what it says.

Jean Pierre

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