At 04:18 PM 1/14/98 -0500, you wrote:
>On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, dave mallery wrote:
>> i finally just killed the process supporting the mouse... i guess there is
>> a way in some init control file to prevent it from starting gpm.
>> Serial connection established.
>> Using interface ppp0
>> Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
>> then... it reports pairs of LCP ConfReq and ConfNak messages
>> it looks like each one is echoed back immediately...
>> after ten pairs, it reports:
>> Serial line is looped back
>> and shuts down.  : (
>> onr thing i notice is that the connection was at 14.4 and my options
>> show 38.4...  however, i can read the banner, etc and the password was
>> passed ok.
>The chatscript probably finished before the provider was ready for ppp to
>start.  Dial in with something like minicom, and do the process by hand.
>There is probably something at the end you forgot.
>Good luck,

thanks for the reply.

(blush) i had the wrong password for logging in....... it starts with
a captial P, not lower case.

now i can ping with abandon all over the net.

now i am back to work finding how to get my mail from the isp's 
mail server.  should i use elm or pine or...??  do they work
like Eudora and go thru a connection dialog with the mail server
every so often??

i re-configured my smail for network.  any other suggestions?

thanx again


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