On Thu, 15 Jan 1998, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:

>    I want to run a nameserver on my Linux box on the
> network.  I want to set it up with a couple of features:
> 1.  It should cache 'real' addresses from outside.
> 2.  It should forward unknown queries about 'real' addresses to a nearby
>        nameserver on the other of the ISDN line.
> 3.  It should serve as a primary nameserver for the domain.
> 4.  It should not forward any unknown queries about the net
>        over the ISDN line.
>    I have got it configured to do 1, 2, and 3.  However, i dont have a
> complete database of names, and queries that arent satisfied
> by my zone database are forwarded.  Is there any way around this?  Any
> help is appreciated.

The newest version of bind allows for configuration of forwarding in
the named.conf file.  See /usr/doc/bind/manual/options.html for
details.  Your should be able to do what you need.

Jean Pierre

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