> I can verify that turning off shadow passwords fixes the PAP problem.
> This is unacceptable.  And it's already reported in bug 16044.  Oh well. 

It this the case with ppp-pam installed ?

If you are using ppp for dial-in, with PAP authentication, I was assuming that 
people will be using PAM too.  Install ppp-pam_2.3.2-2.deb to get PAM support.

Also ppp_2.3.2-2.deb has shadow support (I hope), where ppp_2.3.2-1.deb did 
not, so you could try that.  There is a problem with the non-pam ppp's 
handling of password aging, so on the whole I'd prefer if people used PAM for 
dial in.

I'd be interested to hear how people get on with PAM, since I don't use PAP 
for dial-in, so have trouble testing it.

BTW I'm hoping to get pppd to be able to detect the presence of libpam at 
run-time, and so get rid of the ppp-pam package in the future.

Cheers, Phil.

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