Rick Jones wrote: > > Pete: > > I have been able to get my email to go through. There has most > definately been a change someplace, here. > > I had to use the reply-to field and change my from to my systems idea > of who I am for it to work. This means that anybody without a static > IP, domain name, etc. has to convolute their setup just to use the > list. Or login to their own system with the same username as their ISP > email and use their ISP mailer for outbound mail. > > I've been on this mailing list since bo was a babe in the unstable > tree > and I never used reply-to like this. I don't see how a newbie is going > to be able to get advise if their email isn't even getting put on the > list, and they aren't being sent anything from the mailer daemon telling > them this is happening. > > I don't intend to sound like I'm bitching. I just have 0 tact skills. > I do think this is a major problem, though. > > I don't know if it's some kind of upgrade you've done to the lists > mailer or if it's something in sendmail's config on my end, since I've > never used that qmail and I hate screwing with sendmail so I do as > little as I can with it. > > Maybe this was actually a bug in previous versions not to include > x-envelope-sender and from fields but it is sure throwing a wrench in > the gears now. Seems to me there should be an option to stop qmail from > checking for matching x-sender and x-from envelope entries. > > I suspect this is a kind of spam killer but it is also killing a > default newbie configuration for sending mail to the list. > > What are your thoughts? > > I am CCing this to the list in case somebody else is having this > problem. Not to start a huge thread about spamming and tuff-luck for > newbies.
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