Steve Witt writes:
>On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Mario Filipe wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Remco van de Meent wrote:
>>      In that case i need another type of assistance. When i do 
>> ldconfig -p | grep libXpm i get this :
>>  126 - ELF => /usr/X11R6/lib/
>>  127 - ELF => /usr/X11R6/lib/
>> So this would mean that i do have libXpm installed. THe problem is that
>> when i try compile something (gnome in this case) it tell's me that it
>> cannot find it ! I would appreciate any help here if that would be
>> possible.
>This sounds like a Makefile configuration problem.  It would help if
>you showed us the make error that you got when you compiled it.  make has
>a -L switch that allows one to indicate the directory(ies) that libraries
>can be found in.  So to solve this, you would add the following to the
>line in the Makefile that builds the executable target:
>     -L /usr/X11R6/lib  
>I'm not familiar with the gnome software or its build process but I think
>/usr/X11R6 is a pretty standard path for X so I'm a little surprised that
>this wouldn't already be in the Makefile.  Anyway, I hope this helps.

I went through this last week with gnome.  The problem is that the
Makefiles are missing the -lXpm flag for some of the $x_libs
variables in the Makefiles.  I couldn't convince the configure script
to add the -lXpm flag so I had to do it by hand to the Makefile in the
directory were the compile failed. I then ran into other problems and
adventually gave up after having to install about 5 or 6 addtional
dev packages, etc.

Good luck.
Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University         

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