On Tue, Jan 13, 1998 at 01:53:00PM -0700, Steve Mayer wrote:
> Gregory,
>   I believe that the dot clock setting is from the video adapter and not the
> monitor.

Correct, however monitors *do* have a bandwidth limitation - for instance my
Iiyama is 160MHz. I believe that the dot-clock you specify shouldn't be
above *either* the video-card spec or the monitor's bandwidth. In fact
you'll probably hit problems long beforehand.

> Gregory Guthrie wrote:
> > Gateway informs me that my GW2000 Vivitron 17" monitor is
> >    Hscan = 30-64
> >    Vscan = 50-100
> >    dot-pitch = .26
> >
> > but that they have never heard of dot-clock.
> >
> > I haden't either.  :-)

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