>» I have setup a small Debian Linux system as a router, is there an easy way >» to "clone" this? I.e. to create copies of it on similar machines. We need >» them in pairs for WAN links between segments (EN-PPP-EN). >» >» E.g. a small boot to an LRP* or recovery disk, and a tftp, or, ....? >» >» Now we have to take disks to a system with a CDROM, or move a CDROM around, >» etc.. ich! -- I should have been more explicit; The target systems are small 486's with nothing but a NIC Ethernet card, floppy, and small Hard-disk.
I got lots of replies about dd/backup/tar .. etc, but the point here is I want to do it over the network. Floppys are too small, and there is no other transportable media on the target. I was thinking of something like a boot/recovery disk to tftp the whole thing, or a boot disk with NFS, or with (rsh source "tar cvf / -" | tar xvf -), or... I can play with it, but thought someone might already have a proven solution. -------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Gregory Guthrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125 Fax: -1103 Computer Science Department College of Science and Technology Maharishi University of Management (Maharishi International University 1971-1995) -------------------------------------------------------- -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .