Hello all:

I have tried getting my Xserver to run at 16 bits color with a 2 meg
video card as well with no success. I have had absolutely no troubles
with a 4 meg video card and 8 meg video card. I'm using ATI.

Is it a memory thing? Thats the only conclusion I can come up with.

To get xdm working, first you have to install it. During installation it
should ask you if you want to automatically start xdm at boot time.
Alternatively, xdm is started out of /etc/init.d/xdm. Follow the indicated
files and you will see what you are missing. Make sure you have run


-----Original Message-----
From: John Boggon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian User <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Wednesday, January 14, 1998 6:11 AM
Subject: More colors in X

>How do I start X using more than 8bp ?
>I've tried
>                startx -bpp16
>                startx --bpp16
>                going thru all the startup and config scripts I could find
>                reading how-to's and man pages
>                hiring a witchdoctor
>No luck..
>I'm using the X-Free packages in hamm. Server is XF86_SVGA
>Hardware is AMD K5-pr133 , 40meg ram and a S3-Virge-DX PCI video card with
>meg of ram on it.
>Once I get this figured out, my next question will be How do I tell xdm
>I want X-Windows started this way.
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