I have recently installed Debian 1.3.1 on my Pentium-133 machine.

I have used dselect to install via FTP the elm package.  I am very
familiar with elm, but the standard Debian elm package appears to
be modified to support PGP.  What bothers me is that occasionally a
message on the debian-user mailing list appears to have some form of PGP
encoding that renders the message unreadable by elm because elm can't
find /usr/bin/pgp.  Now I have pointed dselect both at ftp.debian.org
and at ftp.de.debian.org (which I thought was outside the U.S.), but I
found no package that would give me a pgp executable usable by elm.

What is the solution?  It seems a bit strange to provide a package that
is broken.

Thomas E. Vaughan                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1634 S. Memphis St., Aurora, CO 80017                    (303) 750-7864

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