On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Damir J. Naden wrote:

> Now, I can finally retrieve my E-mails using fetchmail from the ISP, but
> the mail doesn't go into my /var/spool/mail/dnaden mailbox. As a matter
After fetchmail runs,  type "mailq" to see if the mail has been correctly
delivered to your smail.  mailq will list all the mail smail has received
but not yet delivered to end users.

> I was under the impression that smail/fetchmail combo doesn't need any
> local delivery programs ( I can send an E-mail to myself from root
It requires that smail act as a delivery agent for localhost.  I had a
problem like the one you've described,  which was caused basically by the
fact that smail didn't recognize "localhost" as "this computer here" --
fetchmail routes mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Smail was unable to deliver mail of this 
sort,  so it just sat around someplace under /var/spool/mail. Make sure
/etc/smail/config contains


Where your.host.name is your fqdn.


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