Hello PC users!

What about putting a penguin sticker on top of those "Window 95" keys on all 
new keyboards ?

They could come handy as new modifiers, for example to switch virtual consoles, 
leaving Alt free and providing a good alternative for Ctrl-alt(gr)-Fn in X and 
DosEmu; more, one could use them to control X window managers leaving usual 
keys for applications (e.g. Alt-Tab used by Midnight Commander is usually bound 
to some sort of cycling through windows), and we could use a single-key compose.

Their scancodes are already seen by Linux, but I could not find any way to bind 
them to a modifier (it seems there are no extra modifiers to use). Also, I'm 
not good enough to fiddle with xmodmap. Anyway I have been successfull in 
binding the menu-like thing to compose: "echo keycode 127 = Compose | loadkeys".

Is there a way to have a new modifier or we need to hack kernel? How is Linux 
doing on a Sun, since they have plenty of extra keys and modifiers?

Maybe we could build a new keyboard mapping table?

                              Bye, Enrico

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