Hello, I've just picked up a copy of the latest issue of the German magazine CHIP Extra (Issue 1/98), which comes with a CD-ROM containing Debian 1.3.1 and the Beta version of StarOffice 4.0 for Linux (They call it "stable", but I could not check that -- at least not yet). I usually don't read CHIP, but this issue is IMHO very well done, with a lot of useful info for both novices and experts. The overall impression is very good. Subjects covered range from "Why Linux?" to "Linux as a Mail, News and Proxy Server" -- everything from a Debian perspective, of course. Highly recommended to German-speaking Debians or would-be Debians. The cost is DM 19.80. Some information, although mostly in German, can be found at www.chip.de
Cleto P.S.: I have *no* connection of *any* kind with the publishers / editors of CHIP. On the contrary, I steer clear of that publication because of the generally poor-quality and mostly Windows-oriented contents. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .