On Sun, 4 Jan 1998, Kevin J Poorman wrote: > Got 2 questions ... When I start a Rxvt in my .xinitrc file like this: > rxvt -fg grey -bg black > it will come up fine but it will not run pico or clear the screen > 'clear'. when I try and run pico I get the following error: "Terminals > database in inaccessable" > and typeing clear brings the responce of "'xterm-color': unknown terminal > type" ... (They seem to be related ...) How can I go about fixing this
It appears that your terminfo entry for rxvt is not correct. First make sure that all the files in /etc/terminfo are accessible. You may want to upgrade your ncurses packages. > Also when I start pine I get the following error warning "Can't open > mailbox lock, Access is READONLY" and "Folder Inbox is opened with 2 > messages READONLY" Do you have another pine process accessing the same mailbox? -- Jean Pierre -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .