On Sat, 07 Dec 2002 00:22:40 -0800
Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    mozilla wrapper used to start up a new mozilla or mozilla -remote, 
> depending on whether mozilla was already running. Which made it easy to 
> open new browser window, regardles of whether one was already running.
>    However now mozilla starts profile wizard and doesn't allow to use 
> default profile (says profile is already used) when mozilla is already 
> running. which makes it inconvenient to use in scripts (or various 
> launchers etc.)
>    is there any trick I can use to easily open a new mozilla window 
> (regardles of whether one is already open?
>    I mean something simpler then (pseudocode):
> if mozilla -remote 'ping()' then
>       mozilla
> else
>       mozilla -remote 'xfeDoCommand (openBrowser)'
> fi
>    TIA-
>       erik
You can try the method recommended here:


someone wrote a patch but I have never tried it, if you come up with something else, 
please post it back on the list.  I have just gotten used to only running one instance.


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