On Fri, 2 Jan 1998, Brian Schramm wrote:

> Here is my opinion on the different dist. of Linux that I have used over
> the years.
> Debian:
> Installs well, has good doc's, and is very easy to modify.  The upgrade
> system works very well with the utilities available.  I have upgraded
> through mager versions with no problems.  The only problem is when you
> get to the first reboot you hav quite a bit of configuration to do to
> get a really usable system.  The upside of that is you have learned a
> lot from the configuration and will have no trouble in the future
> modifications.

At first glance the installation system for debian (dselect) is
pretty difficult to use - Red Hat is more intuitive.  I hope it may
improve with perseverance :-;


Anthony Campbell            * Using RedHat Linux - Windows-free zone *
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 http://www.achc.demon.co.uk

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