I am looking at buying another system myself.  I have never heard of ATA
though.  Is it something I should want, or just more hype?  Is it likely
to be supported under Linux 2.2? 

On Tue, 30 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> george bonser wrote,
> > > 1) Ultra ATA 33 (UATA) hard drives
> > No linux supports ATA33 as far as I know. If you can put the drives in
> > EIDE mode (as most will), Linux will work fine.
> There is a patch (I forget where, but it's out there) for the kernel to 
> support them.  I tried it, but my maxtor8.4 won't handle this mode at 83mhz, 
> only 66.  So I set the mode back down, and went back to my old kernel.
> rick
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