>       My current Debian system is off FTP sites. I am looking to buy Debian on
> CD when the next version comes out with libc6 standardized. What are the
> pro's and con's have you guys noticed for the different vendors?

For now, the only thing I can tell you for sure is that you should *NOT*
buy the Debian CDs from Greenbush Technologies Corp. (www.greenbush.com).

I ordered the official CD set in September by filling out their
secure on-line form, they charged my credit card (at least that is what
I've seen on my bank's reports), but never shipped anything... I sent them
e-mail twice ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), politely asking them what was going on,
but never got an answer. Maybe I should have sent them a fax as well, but
you really expect a company with an online ordering system to have some
way to read its e-mail...


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