On 29 Dec 1997, Douglas Bates wrote:

> I have searched the FAQ's but I still can't find the answer to this
> one.  I have a new machine with 128 Mb. of memory.  When I boot a
> standard kernel using the standard lilo configuration from Debian the
> kernel reports only 64 Mb of memory.  Could someone tell me what I
> change to have the kernel recognize the full available memory?

In /etc/lilo.conf:

> Also, this is a dual-processor system.  If I look at /proc/cpuinfo it
> seems to be reporting only one processor.  Could someone please remind 
> me how to check if both processors are being used?

Uncomment the "SMP=1" line in the kernel makefile and rebuild your kernel.

Scott K. Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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