On Mon, 29 Dec 1997, Daniel Gross wrote:

> But, NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Hey it's not so different at all.
> Now that my eMail works fine, I also want to access to USENET News. Until now,
> I could read it online (using tin), but the german Telekom (our phone 
> company) 
> has horrible fares, so I want to download my (a little more than a) handfull 
> newsgroups, and read it offline. Another thing is, that the "From:" field is 
> not filled with the right address. It allways contains [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> which is 
> not very usefull (even when it prevents you from spam mails).
You can configure your "From:" field in tin's option. Press "M" in the
group listing. Option 88 is your mailaddress.
> Can anyone help me again? What should I do? Configuring my own (local) news
> server? Using an other newsreader?
I use leafnode as a newsserver and gnus as my newsreader.

Once you have told leafnode what your upstrem newsserver is, you don't
have to bother with it any more. It will do the Right Thing(tm) itself.
You just "fetch" new articles when you are online (e.g. in ip-up) and
"texpire" to get rid of old ones (already a daily cronjob).
Leafnode does see what groups you are interested in (when you enter them)
and will fetch these articles. If you don't enter a group for a week
(default), leafnode assumes you are not interested in this group any more
and stops fetching it.

Unfortunatly due to the way tin works, leafnode doesn't see which group
you enter for the first time, so you can't use tin with leafnode.

You could give gnus (the (x)emacs newsreader) a try, but be warned, that
it has a somewhat steeper learning curve (but has a great info manual). It
is also more powerfull than tin. You can even make it read your mail.


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