On Sat, 27 Dec 1997, Aaron Walker wrote:

> How would I go about changing my domain name? Thanks for your help.
Assuming you mean just convincing your machine that it's on a different
domain (rather than trying to convince teh rest of the net),  you could

cd /etc
fgrep "oldhostname" *

and then (as root) replace all the occurrences of "oldhostname" with your
newhostname in those files.  Be sure to check net-related subdirs like
/etc/ppp and /etc/smail,  also.

This isn't a terrific way to do it,  but I'm not sure how else to go about
it.  It'd be nice if we had some standard -- like all scripts and config
files that needed host and domainnames could call /bin/hostname ... but I
guess that wouldn't work if your machine needed to respond to two


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