Hi I am a compleate newbie to this whole linux thang(but am making some progress - but not much), i have just recived the 'official' cd, and am wondering about how to get this xwin thing to work. i have read loads of docs (etc) but am having very little joy
can somebody please help me get xwin running on my system AMD 5x86 133mhz (486) Matrox Mystique II, 4mb unknown second hand ICL 14" monitor (no information) UK win95 keybd MS 'Home' 2 but mouse (the dark blue one!) I am compleatly stuck, i have downloaded the matrox specific suse tgz files, then install and run fine, but am still buggered (even when i think everything is going well), can i install a basic vga version just to get me started? if so how! help! Rick Email -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage -> http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/kitty5/ (Raytracing, 3D Animation and Emulation) -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .