"Jan Francsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I have a little problem with the installation of Debian Linux.
> When I start dselect and go to the Access section, I can chose cdrom. My
> drive spinns up and the dialog beginns. But now I could not chose the right
> Directory. Evrytime I do so, dselect says Dir don´t exists. I have checked
> under win95 and the dir´s are there
> on my cd it must be Debian/Local .

I actually mounted my CD before selecting the Access method. I created
a mount point (while in another virtual terminal) as /cdrom and then
selected "already mounted file system" as my access method.

When prompted for the directory containing the package listing, I
think I just entered /cdrom  (been a while since I did this so memory
might be letting me down).

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