> Hi,
>   I'd like to know what is the entry 'outgoingfile' in the
>   /etc/suck/get-news.conf for?

For every message that your local innd receives an entry is written to
a so called outgoing file which contains the filename and the message
id of this article.

These files are stored in /var/spool/news/out.going and are used by
rpost to post the articles to your providers news server.

You need to enter the same name in get-news.conf as in your newsfeeds
file from inn.  For example, my newsfeeds contains the following line:


So a reference to every message written by myself will be stored in
/var/spool/news/out.going and rpost needs to know the name of this
file, so my get-news.conf contains:

  server: localhost
  remoteserver: news.bln.de
  outgoingfile: remotehost
  sedcmd: /^NNTP-Posting-Host:\|^Xref:/d

This configuration file will be used by the /usr/sbin/get-news and
.../put-news script.


I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
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