At 14:49 6/12/97 -0500, Carl Mummert wrote: >I always get 4FA:, but only if I hit <Left Shift> BEFORE the lilo >prompt appears. But if I hit enter at the 4FA: prompt, the lilo >prompt appears. If I hit shift after LILO: appears, everythings is >normal. > >I always assumed this was a bios thing, but I have absolutely no idea >of the real cause. >
The Way I worked it out: I used to get 1FA: If i hit Shift before my default OS booted (MS-DOG). After hitting 1, DOS would boot - On My 1st (1) partition. Hitting F would cause the machine to attempt to boot off of a (F)loppy. Hitting A would bring up a new prompt: 1234F: (I think) 1 would boot DOS 2 Would boot Linux. but linux was on /dev/hda7 (/dev/hda5-8 are extended Partitions, hda1 is my only primary) so my next assumption was each number represented the next available bootable partition. (my /dev/hda7 had the bootable flag toggled). As for 3 and 4.. Nothing happened ?? F would try the floppy again. Thats my deciphering, I felt like sharing it :) Mike. Im currently not on the list, as I am away from home for the holidays :) -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .