I recently upgraded my system to libc6, with most of the other
programs going with it. Now I'm trying to compile the Modula 3
bootstrap compiler (to try to get the whole shebang going under
libc6), and I get a heap of undefined references to stat and

Before anybody starts jumping up and down, yes, I have read the
FAQ in /usr/doc/libc6, I have noted the advice in question 17,
and I have verified that /usr/lib/libc.so contains the recommended
line. It still doesn't want to work.

The command line is, effectively:

gcc -g -o quake *.o -lm

(there's a few -I and -D parameters as well, which should have no

I've got libc6 and libc6-dev, version 2.0.5c-0.1, installed.
<plaintive cry>
Does anybody have any advice for me??
</plaintive cry>

All responses greatly appreciated. (The university closes in five
hours, and I won't have access to the 'Net until it re-opens, so there's
not much rush :)

Cheers... a Merry Christmas to you all, and may you have a safe and
Happy New Year.


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