AHHHHHHH I very very carefully followed the instructions in the lic5-lic6-Mini-HOWTO.txt and upgraded to libc6 today .... Great.... I thought that the <Packagename> and the <packagename>g files could coexist ... apearntly not ... the xlib6g replaced my xlib6 package rendering my x instalation unuseable .... now when I try and open a rxvt I get a message about not being able to open a library that I have traced back the xlib6 package ... now my question is this ... did I install something wrong ...? do the g and non g packages coexit peacefully ... where can I get a libc5 linked xlib6 package that can coexist with the libc6 linked xlib6....
How can I fix this .... HELP... -Kevin, kc5vxy [EMAIL PROTECTED] ><Col, 3:23> -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .