After installing libsocks4_4.3.beta2-3 and socks-clients_4.3.beta2-3,
setting up /etc/socks.conf,  and setting the SOCKS_NS and SOCKS_SERVER
environment variables I can rftp through the SOCKS firewall to the

dftp and dselect do not connect to servers on the internet though.

After upgrading to dftp_3.2-1, dpkg_1.4.0.19, and dpkg-ftp_1.4.0.19
dftp and dselect still do not connect to servers on the internet.

After linking /bin/ftp to /bin/rftp dftp now works.
dselect still does not connect to servers on the internet though.

How do I get dselect to work through a SOCKS4 firewall?

Stephen Serafin

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