> On Wed, 17 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > OK, I've found the problem.  It's how I configured netscape.  rather than 
> > "rvplayer", the correct entry is "rvplayer %s"
> Is anyone having any trouble with this?  I've got realplayer installed ok,
> but the view of the videos is all wacky ... they look like someone's
> twisted the vhold knobs on my TV all the way around.
> Had the same trouble viewing Quicktime movies...
>                                                       Will


        Um, are your vertical/horizontal settings in X correct for your
monitor? Incorrect frequencies can be the downfall of everyone so easily

 dA' Phucilage Phactory    *Yesturday upon the stair,    *
                           *I met a guy who wasn't there,*
                           *He wasn't there again today, *
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]    *I think he's from the CIA.   *
                                    author unknown

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