On Mon, 15 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I tried to send this earlier, but i don't think anything got out.
> After reinstalling, my .xsession file isn't run.  I've looked in  the man 
> pages for x and xdm, but they don't say anything about permissions other than 
> to be executable.  I've tried 700, but this doesn't seem to do it.

try softlinking .xinitrc to .xsession ... I have one pointing to the other
on my machine,  and I can't remember which one it is that actually gets
used,  but it's working fine.


|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
|            Float away here with me an evening just wait and see,       |
|          But tomorrow go back to your man -- I'm back to my world      |
|                       And we're back to being friends.                 |
|                Wait and see me,  Tonight let's do this thing.          | 
|      All we are is wasting hours; until the sun comes up it's all ours |
|                               On our way here                          |
|                       Tomorrow back to being friends.                  |
|                              - Dave Matthews                           |

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