Help!!!  My system went down this morning and coming back up, I'm getting
the following on my console, syslog, kern.log, debug, and messages file.

It's filling up my logs, filling my drives, and creating all kinds of
havoc.  I haven't modified my kernel in any way and what shows below is
all I'm getting (or similar) - all Hex code and no other errors.

I noticed when the drive filled to 100% - which is about 800MB of log info
in about 4 hours since the reboot.....

Any ideas?


Dec 15 14:24:05 inetgw kernel: F E2 0C 0D B9 .c.o....
Dec 15 14:24:05 inetgw kernel:  46 2C BF D5 AA .l.F,...
Dec 15 14:24:06 inetgw kernel: F 7F 3B ..%....;
Dec 15 14:24:06 inetgw kernel: 1F 7F 3B ..%....;
Dec 15 14:24:07 inetgw kernel: 1F 7F 3B ..%....;
Dec 15 14:24:07 inetgw kernel:  46 2C BF D5 AA .l.F,...
Dec 15 14:24:08 inetgw kernel: 5 82 66 68 F4 14 61 '..fh..a
Dec 15 14:24:08 inetgw kernel:  A1 C0 C0 E0 F4 ........
Dec 15 14:24:08 inetgw kernel: 23 03 07 AE 10 H.8#....
Dec 15 14:24:09 inetgw last message repeated 2 times

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