On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Dominique Jacquel wrote:

> hi there,
> I really need to upgrade my GIMP 0.54 to the 0.99 version .. 
> unfortunatly it needs libc6 so I though I could go for the complete 
> Hamm instead but ... I'm hitting a wall! :-(
>  I just subscribed this list just to ask this 
> question: Can HAMM be installed through FTP?
> I've been trying to install it with dselect through FTP and I have 
> this problem. If I select hamm or unstable from the /debian 
> directory, dselect can't find packages.gz. Now if I try from 
> /debian/dists/unstable .. deselect finds the packages but later on 
> tries can't get the .deb ... argh ... 
> The FTP install works fine with Bo though!!

These are the settings that I use; I'm behind a firewall too, so don't get
distracted by the "passive" setting and the username and such. You just
want to use the $distribs settings.

cat /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/vars 
$username='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$password='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$distribs='dists/unstable/main dists/unstable/non-free dists/unstable/contrib';

I think that you need the dpkg-dev in hamm to be able to do what you want,
so you'll have to do a first part of the upgrade manually with dpkg using 
hand-downloaded packages.

Oh, yeah: be very careful about upgrading to hamm. The upgrade is not
tested very well yet. Reading the mini-HOWTO somewhere at 
www.gate.net/~storm helps. 

Beware that when you read this document, it assumes that you actually want
to keep your basic libc5 environment and only want the bare-bones libc6

Personally, I'd say that going all the way is better, unless you have a
real reason to not want to start using the altdev packages for any libc5
development that you might still need to do. 

If you do wan t a total upgrade, then take my advice: using dselect,
remove every package that ends in *-dev. They are replaced in hamm by
*-altdev counterparts and the bo *-dev's conflict with much of the basic
libraries in hamm. Then install the ldso, libc5 and libc6 in hamm. 

There will be more that conflicts with the packages you'll try to install
by hand with dpkg (this is a moment to remember dselect and its virtues 
at resolving these problems before they arise.) Every time that happens,
just start dselect, select the conflicting package (and everything that
depends on it) for removal and remove it. Then try installing the new 
package again, all the way until you have done all the packages mentioned
in the mini-HOWTO.

When you've done all that, use dselect with the above dists line and
prepare for a massive download, because there hardly isn't a package that
doesn't have a newer version in hamm.

Good luck,


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