Adriano Nagelschmidt Rodrigues wrote:
> Same problem here. After trying to install it with dpkg, I runned the postinst
> script manually with the 'configure' parameter. Then I edited the
> /var/lib/dpkg/status file, in the perl package section changed the line
> install ok not-configured
> to
> install ok installed
> and deleted the line which read
> configured version: previous_package_version_here (or something like that)
> This kludge fooled dpkg into thinking that perl was ok (and I think it really
> is ok, haven't had any problems) and I could move on to the other packages.
> My excuse for doing it is that I don't know deb package internals and didn't
> have the previous libc6 perl pack. anymore.

Thanks for the reply.  Knew I couldn't be the only one.  I surmised that
the install was OK as well, however just to be on the safe side I
downgraded.  I think I'll try the same route you have, thanks for the

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