On 12 Dec 1997, Sten Anderson wrote:

> Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > Does anyone know how to install packages with dselect, via floppy
> > > disks?  I know I have to include the packages themselves, .dep files,
> > > right?  But I think I need to add soemthing else cause I get some
> > > errors, I need to add like a packages header or something, any ideas? 
> > 
> > The first floppy must contain a Packages file, but you really don't want
> > to do it this way. If you must add packages to your system via floppy
> > disk, use dpkg and install them one at a time.
> Strictly speaking, dselect doesn't need a Packages file.  dselect can
> get this information by scanning a directory with packages, if a
> Packages file is unavailable.  If your get your distribution from
> floppies, it is most likely incomplete (that would require a lot of
> floppies), thus the Packages file from the distribution does not
> coreespond to the packages you have.  I recommend that you first copy
> all your packages to a directory on the harddisk, and then let dselect 
> scan this directory. 

        This is true, it can read all the .debs for the info. But I
remember once having problems getting that to  work.  Probably just me ,
but it was confusing.  Deity is supposed to fix things. I have half a
perl/tk hack to make things easier, also there are a couple of other
things , someone put a  python/tk tool in experimental a couple of months
back. Havent checked it out though.
        If its one or two packages, just use dpkg.

G John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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