Jason Ish said > I have to install Linux onto a umsdos file system on one of my computers, > even though I know it isn't a suggested practice. > > What steps should I take to install a fresh debian system onto umsdos. I > have a up and running Debian system to make a new kernel and what not. > > Thanks for any info or pointers to info. > Jason
I've asked the same myself, and got some feedback: ----- Forwarded message from Giuliano Procida ----- >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Aug 23 15:02:52 1997 To: Martin Str|mberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: UMSDOS support for boot-floppies Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 14:02:48 +0100 From: Giuliano Procida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I have done this already. However, there are bugs in UMSDOS [yes, the Linux kernel] which make it impossible to use reliably. In particular there is one bug of unknown origin that completely crashes Linux (it never returns from a syscall). This bug is triggered during dpkg -i ncurses-term* . Another bug caused dpkg -i libc* to fail [but this has been isolated]. For the moment, I have suspended further development work on UMSDOS support. It is possible that the UMSDOS stuff may be cleaned up when it is converted to work with new dcache scheme in the 2.1 kernels. If you are interested in my work to date, please feel free to take a look at ftp://hilfy.magd.cam.ac.uk/pub/ boot-floppies/*patch* and current/PROBLEMS . I can make a more recent patch available if you are interested. Giuliano. ----- End of forwarded message from Giuliano Procida ----- Please note that this info is somewhat dated, but the ftp directory is still there. There might be some info in the debian-user mailing list archives as well. HTH, MartinS -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .