I have just installed Debian on a partition of my HD (and a swap partition)
everything seems to be going well, i log on and get a $, what next?

I have a Mistsumi CD rom drive, but cannot get the drivers select page to
recognise it, how do i find the interupts, irq thingys out?

what packages should i get to start me off, how (after downloading them
with win95) do i get the files on a debian readable floppy, and after that
how do i install, use them?

how can i look at the contents of my hd? something like dir in dos would be

whats this x windows thing, and how do i get, install, use it?

how do i change my username and password?

how do i log on as super-user?

and more and more and more....

sorry about the newbie'ness of these questions but i have no idea what i am

homepage -> http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/kitty5/
(Raytracing, 3D Animation and Emulation)

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