Dominic Davidson wrote: > Yup. I was checking regularly for the results of the poll. They didn't > have the results of the poll up after it finished, so who knows what > the final results were... apart from those Makes it > rather pointless really.
They stopped the poll when redhat 5 was released, when redhat had about 50 to 100 more votes in the poll (1 or 2% more of the vote, in other words). The problem with that poll was, they basically stopped it when they felt like it. If they had stopped it a day earlier, debian would have won.. > If this poll represents the majority, it would seem that Debian has a > large following that is not prone to advocacy as the Red Hat crowd > while Slackware is a rather noisy minority. Yeah, that's sort of theimpression I got. You don't see a huge volume of debian postings on usenet, but we basically tied redhat in the poll. -- see shy jo -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .