
I've installed debian for the first time on a new machine, and i
like it al lot (except maybe for the deselect interface :^).

Now i wanted to install it on my notebook at home; the easiest way
would be via my pcmcia network card and nfs; or otherwise via zip
drive.  But i guess debian doesn't do either (i guess i could try
to install debian base from floppies --- duh), while redhat easily
supports pcmcia stuff.

Who should i bother about this?  

Otoh, it should be real easy to support (just compile the pcmcia-cs 
package; install modules and run cardmgr), so perhaps i could have 
a go at it myself --- create a pcmcia install disk, how can i find 
the package that creates debian install images?



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | LilyPond - The GNU music typesetter
http://www.digicash.com/~jan         | http://www.stack.nl/~hanwen/lilypond/

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