In a message dated 97-11-29 10:47:48 EST, you write:

> I need to know how to set up my modem to start my ppp files so that i could
>  be dial up , could u help me... 
>  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ag, you killed your email address in the message. Regardless....

First off you cannot be using aol as the ISP. (Now that thats out of the

Go grab the ppp howto from and follow the instructions.
If you run into a problem then give us the details on what happened. (Log
files, etc.).
A couple things to remember. Make sure your kernal has networking and ppp
support compiled in (SLIP as well if you want to use DialD). Follow the
HOWTO's instruction on what needs to be changed/added to the configuration

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