Pancho Horrillo writes:
 > AAP Worldwide Wire Service11/21/97 06:00 GMT
 > (Hirchsrgig, MS)-The computer world has been shaken to its core by a
 > legal decision that has immense implications worldwide.  In a ruling
 > that is certain to become a hotbed of controversy, a US Federal Judge
 > in Hirchsrgig Mississippi ruled that Microsoft legally holds all
 > rights to the "Linux" operating system.
 > Judge Richard Shortner, in an opinion handed down today, ruled that
 > the Linux operating system is not "free software," and that the "GNU
 > Public License" is not legally binding, thus giving final legal
 > approval to the US Patent Office's conditional approval of Microsoft's
 > patent application.

 Now, *this* would be a really neat trick... Linux, which is an
operating system, that strives to be compatible with Unix, and is
derived from Minix, is now 'Patentable' by Micro$oft as an operating

 Well, look out Kernigan & Richie, next week we'll hear that you
really didn't make the C language, M$ did :-) and AT/T, be very
carefult, next month M$ is going to sue you for making an imitation of 
their operating system, selling it for billions without paying them

 Now, _that_ Bill Gates is a magician :-)

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