E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
> Indeed.  I never quite understood this strategy of putting things
> under /opt.  Once I had problems on a SUN because the system
> couldn't handle the length of the PATH an MANPATH variables anymore:
> every package gets its own bin, lib and man directory.  We should
> never indulge in letting this plague enter the debian file system
>  structure.

What a nightmare!
Things in /opt should be "installed" in /opt/bin, /opt/lib, /opt/man,
ecc. using symlinks and/or wrappers.
Well done upstream packages which use /opt should carry an utility to
install symlinks and wrappers in /opt/* or /usr/local/* at wish.

The /opt idea is to isolate upstream packages from peculiarities of
different OSes, not to pollute users' namespace.

Check the FHS-2.0

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