On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Andrew Akins wrote:

> I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
> Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
> our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
> these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?
Guess what, it is called dos2unix :-) Although I am not sure if it is a bo
package or new to hamm.

$ dpkg -S dos2unix
sysutils: /usr/bin/dos2unix
sysutils: /usr/man/man1/dos2unix.1

$ dpkg -s sysutils
Package: sysutils
Status: hold ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Maintainer: Karl Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 1.2-1
Depends: libc5
Conflicts: bogo, memtest, procinfo
Description: Miscellaneous small system utilities.
 This is a package encorporating various small utilities which are:
  *  procinfo - Displays system information from /proc (v0.9).
  *   memtest - Test system memory for errors (v1.0.1).
  *      bogo - Shows the current bogomips rating without rebooting
  *  tofrodos - Converts DOS <-> Unix text files (v1.0).

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