On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, TJM wrote:

> I've installed communicator 4.03 successfully on my debian 1.3.1, 2.0.30
> kernel system and all works fine.  I would like to know what the advantage
> is to using the installer package rather than the install script that comes
> with the communicator package from netscape.  I know that dselect won't
> offer any options for the package, but are there further advantages to
> installing as a *.deb package?
The only advantage I know of is that netscape does some stupid things when
installing, among them placing files in ~root/.netscape/ that should go in
$MOZILLA_HOME/.netscape/ - other than that, I can't really see any
advantages (which reminds me that I should submit as a bug against this
package the fact that java didn't work right off; I had to make certain
MOZILLA_HOME was set when running netscape)

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