On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, Frank Barknecht wrote: > David Stern hat gesagt: // David Stern wrote: > > > Speaking of su, I have a root window (rxvt -e su --) in a user X-window > > session, and I seem to not be able to run X apps from the root window > > due to the DISPLAY env variable, but it is identical to user's (0:0), > > and running xhost complains about an invalid magic cookie, unable to > > open display. What do I need to do to get X apps to run from a root > > window in a user's X-window session? > > DON'T USE "xhost +"!
With the above warning about xhost, (that is, not using 'xhost +' but rather 'xhost +localhost' (I have been told it's better to use xauth, but don't understand that). In any case, the reason you're getting errors when you try xhost is that xhost is an X command, and if root can't run X clients, it can't run xhost. So, the solution is either to run 'xhost +localhost' from an xterm as your regular user, or to (as root) do: cp ~username/.Xauthority ~root (where username is the username of your regular user) DANIEL MARTIN -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .