It sounds like you need an introductory Unix book.

     "The Debian Linux User's Guide" by Dale Scheetz may be downloaded
from, or may be ordered in hard copy from
the same address.  Although heavily oriented towards Debian
installation, there is a summary of the important Unix commands in
Appendix 1, and a brief overview of a couple of text editors in
Appendix 2.

     "Linux Installation and Getting Started Guide" by Matt Welsh
gives a good introduction to Linux.  It can be downloaded from, or one of its mirrors, in the directory

     For more advanced information check out the O'Reilly books at  

     There is a wealth of valuable information already installed on
your system.  Detailed information on specific commands may be found
in the man page for that command (type man <command>).  For more
readable information on specific tasks or commands, check out the
HOW-TOs and READMEs in /usr/doc.


On Sun, 23 Nov 1997 08:37:57 -0600, Kid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just got finished installing Debian Linux on my system.  Well after
> all of that work I have no idea what to do next.  Is there a list of
> commands and or sysntax available.

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