On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, B. Bell wrote:

> when i try to start x i get the following errors:
> $ startx
> xauth: can't load library 'libXmu.so.6'
> xinit: can't load library 'libXmu.so.6'
> this error only happened after upgrading to libc6, which i did by 
> following the instructions in the mini-howto.  does this mean i have to
> upgrade all of X also?
> brad

Well, you probably should, even though this error doesn't mean that you
need to.  Check your /etc/ld.so.conf file and make sure it contains
If it doesn't, then add the line and run 'ldconfig' as root.  You might
then want to try to figure out what other directories should be in your
/etc/ld.so.conf and aren't; my (bo) system lists the following:

I don't know how you'd go about constructing the list of what should be in
/etc/ld.so.conf, though.  (a find for all dirs containing files ending in
'*.so' produces too many erroneous entries)

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