On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, B. Bell wrote: > when i try to start x i get the following errors: > $ startx > xauth: can't load library 'libXmu.so.6' > xinit: can't load library 'libXmu.so.6' > <snip> > > this error only happened after upgrading to libc6, which i did by > following the instructions in the mini-howto. does this mean i have to > upgrade all of X also? > > brad
Well, you probably should, even though this error doesn't mean that you need to. Check your /etc/ld.so.conf file and make sure it contains /usr/X11R6/lib If it doesn't, then add the line and run 'ldconfig' as root. You might then want to try to figure out what other directories should be in your /etc/ld.so.conf and aren't; my (bo) system lists the following: /usr/X11R6/lib/Xaw95 /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/lib/libc5-compat /lib/libc5-compat /usr/X11R5/lib /usr/X11R6/lib/i486-linuxaout I don't know how you'd go about constructing the list of what should be in /etc/ld.so.conf, though. (a find for all dirs containing files ending in '*.so' produces too many erroneous entries) -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .