I'm looking for a PCI video card for Linux, which will allow me to do at
least 1024x768 in 24bit mode.. and of course as fast as possible.  I would
like to spend around $300.. 
Here are a few cards I've looked at:
Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro (8 meg) - $250
Matrox Millennium II (8 meg) - $310
ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8 meg) - $250
ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] (8 meg) - $300

Right now I'm thinking about the Matrox Millennium II (8 meg).. Are there
any other cards which have better proformence?  and how well are these
cards supported under Linux/X?

Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, finger for public PGP key
Inexpensive web pages for 3d artists, http://www.3dillusion.com

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